Friday, November 11, 2011

Week ten

Honestly I don't even know how i'm feeling, it's a mixture of a lot of things. Anxious, nervous, excited about outreach.

Three weeks three weeks. Holy cow!

Speaking of outreach i'm going to Kenya, Africa. I didn't have a place where I really felt like I should go on the list that they gave. I just knew that God spoke to me before going to the DTS and told me “I would be going to Africa” I didn't know when or who with. The first time we found out about outreach locations they weren't specific at all but Africa wasn't anywhere on the list. So I just brushed the idea of having a slight possibility of going to Africa under the rug since it wasn't on the list. But the day we finally got to write the locations we felt God was speaking to us about on a piece of paper. I put Africa because that was the only place God kept telling me so I thought “it doesn't hert to put it down”. The leaders were going to pray for every individual about the locations we put down. So they would just put me wherever they felt God was speaking to them about. So I wasn't worried. Because the leaders take a lot of time praying for this. And I didn't really care where I went anyways because I know wherever we go God will work and do amazing things. It doesn't matter where you go as long as we are following God's path. Days later, the staff announced the teams. I was the very last name to be called out. So part of me thought they forgot about me. Or they just wanted to give me a slight anxiety attack. Remember there's like 90 something students? So it took awhile to name off all the names. But yeah they named off the Asia teams, Europe team. And I thought they were finished. But they still didn't call out some of the students. So let's get on to whhat you guys really want to hear. I guess one of the staff guys really felt like he should lead a team to Africa. So yeah I'm on that team. I have such a peace about this team. I'm really happy with all the people that are on my team. I prayed on my own while the staff were still figuring out teams. And I prayed that my team would be small and that I wouldn't really know people on my outreach team. God answered my prayer. There's 16 people including the leaders and I really don't know my outreach team very much. But we are destined to be best friends after outreach one of my leaders said.
We don't really have anything that we specifically want to do I know I really want to go to orphanages, but I know one of our leaders feel led to do something with the tribe. But we kept talking about having no expectations for the trip because God could surprise us last minute. Right now we are just asking God what he has planned maybe he will wait to answer once we get into Africa who knows what's on God's heart. He has crazy plans i'm sure.
We've just been mainly thinking about important paperwork,shots(I have to get the yellow fever shot), travel insurance, individual duties either before outreach or during. We are also planning on making a blog for Africa so i'll get that link to you guys as soon as that get s started. We are also making a newsletter that I will be emailing to anyone who wants it.
I feel this past week has been so intense. It was definitely a different week than normal. It was so hard for me to focus during lecture and workshops. I felt so tired all the time which was really weird because I slept so good. I think it's just a lot of information we've been learning in the past 10 weeks and i'm still trying to process everything. So it's pretty draining. Not to mention anything with photography. Lately I haven't really felt inspired or creative with photos. Which is really frustrating to me. But I know all I can do is my best. And that I don't need to beat myself p if a photo doesn't turn out. People make mistakes that's how they get better right?

I'm really missing family. I feel like i'm going to get home and it's going to be so weird to see them in person. That i'm missing out on a part of my siblings life. But I know that's life and the life of growing up. But it just makes me sad. The next time I see my family they will all be so old. I also really miss my friends. I know i'm here for a reason and that this won't last forever ans I want to spend every second of every day for the time i'm here because soon enough it will be over. And I don't want to regret not living for today. But it's really hard to not think about what my next step in life will be. I just feel like i'm missing out on so much back at home. But I should just quit thinking about that.
The more i'm here in Germany the more I fall in love with it. And the more I think I feel so right at home here. It's actually kinda scary to think about actually. Who knows maybe God will lead me to staff here or do something here?

Prayer requests:
-Creativity with photos
-finances for outreach
-Strength, Unity with in the outreach team

If anyone has that gut feeling to help financially with outreach finances(shots,travel insurance, outreach expenses) it would be greatly appreciative. Since the exchange rate between Euros and dollars changed I need to raise some more money.

Wire transfer-
Account number: 450-718-0-600
bank name: Volksbank Lobau-Zittau
Bank number (BLZ): 855-901-00
Swift code: GENODEF1NGS
IBAN: DE82 855901004507180600
Mention MOTA DTS 2011, and Laura Quam

Or you can write a check and send it to my mom
9372 Newfound Way
Elk Grove, CA

Thanks to all the people who have given money already. You guys are amazing! God has provided for everything so far. And I know he will provide for the rest of this amazing journey.

Thank you to all the staff that are always here for us when we need some pray, encouragement or advice. I just feel super encouraged that they spent so much time figuring out outreach teams. It's not like they spent 5 minutes on each individual they spent a lot more time on it. They always want the best for all of us. I feel so blessed to know the staff and spend time with them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mind the gap.

Here's just some little snippets of notes that I felt like posting.

God what do you have planned for my life after dts?

My time so far has been amazing, God you are amazing. And I want to be on fire for you more and more every day. I feel like i've changed so much in the past 8 weeks. I know i'm not perfect but it still amazes me that you can still love someone like that. I've realized you love us all equally so why can't I love everyone the same?
In the past two months i've seen God provide for all our needs with my own two eyes. He will provide it at the perfect moment. Because he knows what we need when. God you are higher than any other, I know you can provide for anything and everything.

Prayer is so powerful.

What does God value?

God is practical but so generous. He made different grass in different places. And that's just grass.
God values things that we don't even think to value. We can always learn more about God. Let's look at the world with a different pair of glasses.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

When I leave, what kind of fruit an I leaving behind when I die?

GUESS WHAT?!?!!? I've got some good news.
I'm going to AFRICA for outreach.
I'm extremely excited. It's going to be amazing. So excited to see what God will do in all of us.
I honestly never thought I would be going to Africa. But you know I guess Go likes to surprise us. Yay!
Before even coming to the dts I asked God where he will take me in the future or for dts and he told me “AFRICA, AFRICA, AFRICA” So I put it on the paper even though it wasn't on the list. And apparently my friends from home were praying for me and they got Africa too. The leaders were praying really hard as well. So it'll be amazing i'm really excited! It's what I feel God wants and he even answered my prayer about me not really knowing people on my team/small group. I'm still praying about visas though because its a big fiasco. Even if some staff don't get visas than they will have to get out of Germany for 90 days

This week we have to hammertime with getting everyone to Zittau to get fingerprinted. And after praying about it a lot. After staff talking to the visa people they told them it could take 2-3 weeks instead of 6 weeks. Which is a blessing. Myriam has done an amazing time talking to the visa people. God always comes through!

~There's no limit of what God can do in my life
~Hold on tightly to what I have, my hands are so tight that I can't receive anymore. Do I want that? We are in a world that we are surrounded around around many gaps.
~30,000 kids die a day because of poverty like diseases.
~2 billion people don't have clean water
~2 billion children will die before the age 5 years
~are we aware of all these gaps?
Are we doing anything about it?
~keep promises to the people we come in contact with when we go on outreach.

My heart hurts for all the poverty in the world. I feel God has put it on my heart to do either orphanages overseas or human trafficking. I really just want to meet my future chil when we go to Africa.


Wake up, see the world around you. And do something. If you don't see it then you won't do anything about it. So wake up, wake up, wake up. Open your eyes!
Don't just push these poverties away because one person can change the world. It's crazy to think that during the refugee camp we only did for a few days but half the world is like that living on less than $1 a day.
Why is the world like that? Why does horrible things happen to righteaous people?

Sometimes we have to go through trials God wants a relationship, he gives us a choice to be with. If “love” is forced than it wouldn't be love, it would be abuse.
God could quite easily force us to love Him. But He gave us a choice. So we aren't like robots. God will respect the choices we make.
The choices I make today will determine who i'll be in eternity

Love must be chosen and take risks.
God would rather want 10% of people to follow Him than 100% to love Him but have it be like robots.
Sin seperates us from God. God can grab us by the hand and hold us tight to just love us. Its not forced we just have the choice if we want Him to do that.
God kingdom strikes back. God has a Mission. We aren't a Mission, God wants us to be apart of His Mission. This world isn't designed to waste time, let's get out there.

Every individual has a different story. But it all matters to God and especially to that one person. It doesn't matter what your past life has been it all happened for a reason. And God still loves everyone the exact same.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why is it already October..?

I really feel like God as put it on my heart to do something that
involves human trafficking, sex trafficking or child trafficking. It
is a huge deal throughout the whole world. It's definitely something
that God doesn't want to see happen. We as christians have the
responsibility to do something about it. Obviously not everyone is
called to do something like that. But for the people who are called
need to obey God. All I want for my life is do whatever plan God has
for my life. That's all we can do is obey Him. Even if it's going on
outreach to somewhere you don't want to go, it may be a struggle. But
he knows your heart and somewhere down the road he will lead you to
place you want to go to but it will be at the perfect time in your
life and in my life as well. I feel like God has put it on my heart to
go to Africa but that doesn't mean right now, this year. It could be
years from now when I am able to adopt kids. The Lord has put that on
my heart too. We may also go on a detour you might say, God may lead
you to abunch of different places where you don't want to be and then
he will lead you to the exact area where you've always to go. But in
that time you will grow closer to him and trust him more and more with
your life. The week Dan Bowman spoke totally made me realize that I
don't have to go to Africa this year with this dts, it could be years
from now that I actually go.

That goes for me too (:

Break my heart for what breaks yours, Lord.

One person can change the world with God's help, what could we do with
100+ students getting involved with human trafficking.

I'm really nervous and excited about tomorrow, we should find out
about outreach and our teams. But please pray about visas. They
changes the process for it the day the dts started and now it's really
complicated and a really long process. Basically all the non-germans
need to get finger printed in Zittau(I think) and after that is a 6
week process. Only 4 students have gotten their finger printed. So we
need 70 or so students. So please pray.

Prayer is so powerful, i've learned that too.

Send to: JMEM / DTS
Untere Dorfstr. 56
02747 Ruppersdorf

Sunday, October 23, 2011

God is greater

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I last sent out an email.
First of all, I can't believe it's October. It's crazy how time flies so fast. I feel like i've been here for way longer than that but at the same time I feel like I just got here like a week ago. Funny how that happens. I absolutely love my ywam family. Everyone is so amazing here. I feel like I will be really close to abunch of people after DTS, sad to say probably not all 100 or whatever it is. I really love the staff too. Everyone here are just so encouraging and want to talk about troubles or praises with eachother. I also really love our spontaneous worship sessions. They are great! After dts, all of us are going to go our seperate ways and I just realized that we aren't going to see everyone everyday. That's going to be weird. But i'm just learning to live for today and not worry about the future. Because the DTS is only only a season of my life and I want to get as much out of it as possible. Even if it's not contacting anyone for weeks at a time. It's not that i'm ignoring you. It's just that I want to focus on my life here. And not keep on going to people at home for help or encouragment. I still love you guys and I still want to stay in contact. I'm just trying to not use the internet as much anymore. Because I really want to get to know the people here and be social. A week or so during intercession prayer there was a giant map laying on the floor in the tent. The person who was leading the prayer time told us to ask God what place we should pray about and to go to that place on the map. It makes me want a big map for my bedroom so I can place to places where i've been, want to go to. Also this week, we had a generousity box laying out during prayer if people felt led to put something in there or if someone felt led to take something out. Or some people just gave something to a certain person. It was amazing to see people listen to God. People gave their nice guitars, macbook pros, macbooks, time, money, etc. During prayer, Kristin the leader of the DTS came up to me and asked if I did the photograph of a flower and I said “yes” and she told me she wanted to buy it from me because she loved it so much. So after I prayed about a price and God just told me to give it to her. And a few days ago. I was waking up to just any ordinary day putting on my red peacoat and I put my hands in my pocket to find that there was an itouch in there. I felt super confused because i've never owned an itouch. At first I thought someone thought it was their itouch and put the itouch in the jacket. But then I started getting really excited because for a really long time i've prayed for an ipod so I could listen to worship music when I run or do anything. It was just amazing to be reminded that God really provides for needs all the time. But you can't expect it to come at that moment sometimes you have to wait for years or months.

I had my first one on five instead of one on one because we have 5 students and one staff. So from now on we are going to call it circle group. We are funny! It makes me happy. I'm so glad we finally got to do it. It was so great to go to Cory's apartment. It was so home-like and cozy. It was so amazing to have some girl bonding time and just talk about anything.

We also had a critique night where all the different tracks show their stuff. We are having another one this coming week i'm pretty sure. The music track showed their music live in the cafe and basement and dining hall. The dance team did a dance. While they were doing their dance I had a flashback to the very beginning of the school when we had our welcoming dinner night. When we didn't really know anyone but now we are like family.

Recently I've had talks with people about what I want to do after DTS and everytime I say I don't really know and just list 6 different things that I have a desire to do. Every week I feel like I hear about something new. But I know God already knows what I'm doing after DTS
God has put human trafficking on my heart especially after DTS, Kristin(school leader) would really like to start a safe home and she would need people to help work with that. When she told a group of us about that I started to think more and more about it. That's something that I would really want to do. I'm not quite sure if it's God's plan but I still have time and God will tell me when he feels like it's the perfect timing.

You know my mail box is empty a lot of the time. I would really enjoy it if you'd send me something. And I will try to send one back (:

I think that's all for now. I will send out another email if I think of something new.

Thank you so much for all the support!
I love you guys. <3

God bless.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Time flies

  God can do everything, there's nothing he can't do. Sell the old way of living and buy a new treasure. Christianity is simple. You have to be a child to enter the kingdom of God. Break my heart for what breaks yours. People rise up. Break past of the past and look forward to what God has planned for the future. God made a way for us. Love is to do anything and everything for a different person. The apple of your eye.
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:15
Eternity is based on how we live our life right now.
So live everyday for Christ.
  1. Repentance is joyful
  2. James 5:16
    Dark is destroyed when light shines. Same with the world bring light to this dark world.The enemy tries to tell us I am the only one dealing with different hard stuff. But there's other people dealing with the same things. But God can help us with whatever is on our mind.
  1. repentance is shining darkness. We weren't ment to deal with hard issues.
  2. Numbers 25
    Sin is killing the world. But if there wasn't sin. Then we weren't have a choice.
    The beauties of marriage are only allowed in the boundaries of Lordship.
God is wisdom, ask him what we should do about going to the doctors. God doesn't need perfection even is we move alittle bit he can still move us in the right direction. With just alittle ounce of unbelief can steer us in the wrong direction. He can't use us if we are like a parked car, because we won't move anywhere.
We just gotta keep moving, it doesn't matter if we fail. Take risks. If we learn to fail, maybe we will find success in whatever we do.
We can't be afraid to take risks know and love the word of God. We are so afraid to represesnt God.
2 Corinthians 10
By being in the presence of God, he can change lives.
The gospel is simple, the kingdom of God is simple.
God, what pleases you?
People who are joyful and have a heart for Him.
Amos 5:21-24
The more we practice listening to God, the easier it will be. Learning to listen to God.
What game do you want to play with me, God?
A maze because as long as I follow him he will bring us in the right direction.

What does God think of me?
Having a caring/loving heart toward people around me. Touching people by blessing them with different things to help them out. Working hard and not giving up before going to Germany.

Ephesians 4:15
God said I need to adopt two kids when i'm older. He gave me a picture of the kids an said whenever I go to Africa i'll meet my future daughter and son. Or start an orphanage. Or a safe place for kids to come and stay.
Colossians 3:23-24
Saw a picture of God and I holding hands in a secret garden. Talking together. Enjoying eachothers company. Dancing together.

Some things i've learned...
I need to listen so I can know what he is telling me.
God provides for every need in the craziest ways. It blows my mind.
Be light in this dark world
romance God
We all need to be accountable to someone.
God what hurts you? What hinders me from listening to you? What hinders the church from listening to you?

  1. fighting, violence, People of God need to rise up and not just sit around and act like they aren't christians.
  2. Distractions from school while I was home. Friends who aren't good influences toward me and I just need to keep my distance.
  3. Satan trying to say otherwise than what the church is teaching. Lack of concentration.
Sometimes we don't see how much it hurts God's heart when we sin.
God's love doesn't change, the relationship changed when you're not a christian. We can get to know God more with our pain.
Galatians 5:16
We are so fast to judge people, God looks at the heart.
You gotta believe what God has for my life.
Walk and talk with Jesus, he just wants to spend time with every individual. Don't have any other idols but God. Relationships can be a distraction for christianity. A relationship with God is the most important.
Only summit the mind to the Holy spirit
The world looks on the outside, but God looks at the hear. People are competative with looks and relationships. Why should that be something that is on the top of our lists. Because God made us the way we are and we shouldn't wish we were more pretty because that's like slapping God in the face.
Everyone's beautiful
Isaiah 41:9-10
I can always go to and go back to Jesus. Nothing can change that. Gos will always have his arms open wide for me. We can't let the enemy get to us. Because he will try to destroy us from what we are doing here with ywam the enemy to break it and try to stop us from doing what God wants. So we need to stay strong. The ywam family needs to stay together and encourage eachother.
Follow God and the righteous will be given. God calls us to please Him, not people.
~fear of fellowship
~affraid of being replaced
~judgemental thoughts
~forgetting God
I am the apple of my father's eyes.
Don't be afraid to go on, take the struggles to the cross
God has a loving kindness that we don't even understand.This week, Donna Jordan came to speak at our school. And she was amazing. She just spoke the truth. Told us how it should be straight up. It's so amazing to see God work in people's lives. One of the days Donna told us to bring all of the things that are distracting us from getting more closer to God or just holding us back to lecture because we were going to bring them to the cross to burn.
Everyone cried during this time. The last thing we did was crowd surfing or flying like an eagle where whoever wanted to is to climb the ladder and climb onto a tall cabinet and fall backwards (totally having to trust the people that they will catch you) and then they would pass us down the line. It was really fun! I now know how it is to fly like a bird (kinda). I was so freaked out at first. Because I'm scared of heights but I concured my fear. Yay! Because Tiana and Caleb made me do it. But I think if I didn't I would have regretted it. So i'm glad I did it.
To trust in God with everything I don't need to worry about money because God is going to provide for all my needs. It's been happening quite a bit over here. God showing that he cares and provides. We need to romance God, relationships with boys can wait until the right one comes along. I just need to focus my eyes on Him. When I feel all alone, i'm really not because God is there. People of God take a brother or sister's hand and change the world.

"We are the world
we are the children
we are the ones who
make a brighter day
so let's start giving
there's a choice we're making
we're saving our own lives."
There's no language barrier when talking to God.
When it's God's will, it's his bill.
When God has a plan, he will provide
Money struggles can allow people to know God more.
Don't let money get in the way of dreams

Prayer is so powerful

I've learned that i'm me, and I don't need to be so insecure with myself. I need to be myself, I don't need to be like everyone else. I can stand out in the world. God made me for who he wants me to be so I don't need to worry what people think. 

Send me letters/care packages. I'd love you forever. <3 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Faith Walk

For the faith walk I was with Caitlin, Ashley and Erwin and before leaving we prayed to see where God was leading us to go. But we didn't really get an answer so we just started heading in one direction so we left and started walking with a backpacking backpack on my back. We really didn't have a clue where to go, but when we were walking on the side of the road a lady stopped and gave us a ride right before that we prayed that someone would pick us up, she saw another group of YWAMers but couldn't take them cause they had too many people in their group. After arriving we continued to walk in this little town picking up garbage, going to see unique churches, asking people if they needed any help with anything. We stopped at this one church that had a cemetary around it. The door was locked so we were bummed we really wanted to see the inside of it. We started to pray for awhile befroe leaving the church to see where we should go. While we were praying we heard some people talking so we went to go say "hi" and see if we could help with anything. And at first the lady said "no" but then Erwin started talking more to her so we ended up being able to go in the church. And we got to help her weed her garden and pick apples. Ashley is pro. Simona said that we could stay the night at her house and they had a youth group thing going on that night so we got to hangout with people eat some good food, sang songs in German, played ping pong. Simona put out tea and soda where we were going to sleep. I felt like I was at a hotel. The next morning we left pretty early after breakfast to head out to somewhere else. So we ended up finding out about this bible study going on and we all thought it was a youth group type thing but it ended up being a old folks bible study. So we prayed about going and we said that if nothing else comes up then we will go. So we went and within like 5 minutes of being there 3 people asked Erwin is we had a place to stay. This cute old lady told Erwin "I wasn't going to come at first but I felt like God was telling me that you guys were going to be there." So the lady called her daughter to ask if we could stay with them. And we could. So we arrived at the house later that night. They made a huge dinner for us after we played worship songs in German/English. The next day we worked on a car shed and fence they needed them stained. So we helped them with that. They fed us so much food. I feel like I gained 30 lbs. But all the food was super delicious. We hungout with the little girls. After staying there one night they said we could stay another night. The day we left they took us back to the base so we didn't have to walk all the way back. they also gave us abunch of food for the castle. Which was a blessing. I feel like this whole experience they blessed us way more than what we did for them. But they kept saying how it was a blessing for us to be there in their home.
Caitlin drew a picture for the family to say thank you. An we put a verse on it and not even knowing it. It was the lady's life verse and she started crying while reading it. They also gave us goody bags. They are such a sweet family.
My group wants to go see them again. And stay in contact. The family wants us to gcome visit after outreach phase to show pictures and tell them all about it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

pictures are up!/media/set/?set=a.2293871182970.172713.1134772077&type=1

To whoever wants to see pictures of my life here. Go check up out. it took me forever to upload and this was the second time gah I was pretty frustrated. And i lost so much internet time ill probably have to buy more.

But today I had kitchen duty and it was pretty great. It was the first day but i'm sure all of us will get the hang of it. Tomorrow I get my first photography assignment.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My life in Germany

September 1,2011
On the plane flight we met up with a girl for the plane flight from Philadelphia and then a girl on the plane that we found out she was going to Germany for ywam. The train sitsuation was a crazy mess. We had no idea what to do or anything. So basically we had to take three different trains to get to Lobao, but before the train we thought we had to get out luggage and then check in again and head to Dresden but after sitting there waiting for our luggage it wasn't coming we just saw the same luggage over and over again. Then after that we had to go get our boarding pass cause we only had a boarding pass to Frankfurt. We also had to go through security which had a super long line and took forever. After all that we just wanted to be on the plane cause we were already late but once we got to security in the front they wanted to check all our bags, and my tripod. We missed our flight, and had to get a new one. But then we ended up being with another girl on her flight, so it was totally God. We met up with Renee at the flight before leaving. And then once we got into Dresden Antonette was there getting her luggage at the baggage claim.

September 2
So basically today was pretty chill, I slept in until like 1:30 pm. Just hung out at the apartment and then went to Penny(a local store) not everything is a penny wish it was though. Alot of other people came in today which is exciting. Met abunch of new people. Iwalked to some of the stores close by with some girls. Since we live in the apartments which is super close to the stores and bakery. And I officially feel grownup since I have an apartment in Germany. doing mission work and photography. Life couldn't be better. I really want to go to church sometime to see how it is, it would be interesting. People have told me that there's this weekend train ticket for 5 people that would be 25 euros which wold be awesome to travel sine i'm already in Europe ya know! And going to Italy for 60 euros would be cool but I don't think that'll happen. I would really like to go to Poland and Czech republic since it's only 10 minutes away we could walk there. Crazy!

September 4
The dts saff planned a refugee camp for us to experience how most of the world lives. we stayed out the first night just with a plastic tarp on us. and then woke up really early for a busy day. We just went on a major walk around town and everywhere basically to show us how hard it is to just drop everything and just go. And also they gated off the whole area so we couldn't get out. We didn;t have showers or internet. But during the second night it started raining and lightening came. So they woke us up at 4 am and told us to bring all of out belongings and go in the castle because it wasn't save to be outside. So we had to stay in the castle for the night on the ground. The refugee camp had to end because of the weather. But it was really a great way to start the dts. What we did was nothing close to how it is in real life.

I live in the apartments so its like a mile walk to the castle I really like the apartments but we don't have internet there which is a bummer but its okay we are trying to get that figured out. I have kitchen duty every sunday yay with abunch of my friends which is exciting. I don;t have work duty during the week so I can work on photography stuff.

One of the things I miss is having ice in my drinks.

September 8th
so today I woke up at like 7 am to get ready for the day and then walk through town and then down the hill called slowdeathand it was raining so it was really cold. but I better get used to is since i'll be walking down and up when it snows. But I didn't have breakfast this morning. The first lecture by Mike Oman did all the the lectures from this week. He is so awesome!
Today we talked about what our dream was... My dream is to go around the world and do photography to show how beautiful people are or help with an orphanage or even start one. And i would also like to help people who are sick around the world. I would really like to work with St. Jude chilcrems hospitaal. I really want to adopt kids from different countries when I'm older from Haiti, Honduras, Africa, Asia etc..somewhere.

I feel like i've been gone for way longer than a week. So crazy to think about that i'm here 7 months!

That's all for now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm extremely blessed!

I'm so blessed by everyone who has prayed for me through this journey, the financial support, All the help with fundraisers, encouraging me when I had a really stressful discouraged day. But I just want to thank everyone of you! You guys are amazing! I couldn't have done it without you. So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It's much appreciative. I will forever be grateful.

Skype me? lauraadora1 Facebook me? Laura Quam :P Email me?
Write me? JMEM / DTS
Untere Dorfstr. 56
02747 Ruppersdorf

Let's keep in touch. I will be very sad if I don't hear from anyone for 7 months and come back home and not knowing anything about anyone's lives. So let's not make that happen

God is good all the time!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Days of excitement.

I will be leaving in 8 days for San fran to stay with one of my travel buddies Grandparents for one night. And we are carpooling down to san fran. It's going to be alot of fun. I'm excited! I'm even more excited that I have travel buddies going with me.

The spaghetti dinner was a total success! I earned $584 or so.
Which was a total blessing.

There's still quite abit to figure out. I'm not stressing or trying not to stress about it all because it'll all work out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So close!

I have so much to do before I leave and that's less than a month away. So scared that I won't get everything done by that time. But I just need to tell myself "it'll all be fine, it'll all be fine" I know this is something that God wants me to do. So he will provide for ALL of my needs no matter how little or big it is.

flight -- $1300ish
application fee -- $78.95
lecture phase -- $2447.37
min outreach during lecture phase -- $197.37
outreach phase -- $1973.68 - $2631.58 (depending on which country i'm sent to)
shots, small supplies, train ticket, etc -- about $500

Total: $7153

Received: $4000.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hello Everyone,
Right now i'm tackling down some more details on what I need to do/buy/figure out for youth with a mission. I still have alot to do and i'm leaving in about 5 weeks. So I really don't have any time to waste.

The most important is prayer. This is a huge step for me but I feel like God is leading me to adventure out and experience new things and learn more about him while doing what I love which is photography.

If you'd like to help financially, anything helps
You can make checks out to Laura Quam or go to my paypal account on the right side on my blog.
It is greatly appreciated.
If you or a friend that you know of that needs a house sitter, pet sitter, baby sitter(so you can go on a date night), yard work, painting, house cleaning,need family portraits, Kid pictures, senior pictures. etc. i'm willing to do anything. Just let me know.
Only my facebook friends: "like" Consologic Repair Services and i'll get $1 to go towards my trip to Germany.

I need to raise $5392 to do this DTS not including the plane flight or anything else. Just say If 200 people just donated $20. However this is just a statistical number. But whatever donation you are willing to give it's greatly appreciated.

If you have ANY questions or anything, feel free to contact me.

cell - (916)216-3679
home - (916)684-4896
email -

thank you so much!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

First post on this blog

Hello Everyone!
I got a blog so that you can read up all about my life, experiences, what the Lord has done, pictures, adventures etc. I'm so incredibly excited about leaving in just alittle bit. But we will definitely have to keep in touch with skype, facebook, this blog,sending letters (I most likely won't have a phone while i'm gone) because I will really miss all you guys.