Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mind the gap.

Here's just some little snippets of notes that I felt like posting.

God what do you have planned for my life after dts?

My time so far has been amazing, God you are amazing. And I want to be on fire for you more and more every day. I feel like i've changed so much in the past 8 weeks. I know i'm not perfect but it still amazes me that you can still love someone like that. I've realized you love us all equally so why can't I love everyone the same?
In the past two months i've seen God provide for all our needs with my own two eyes. He will provide it at the perfect moment. Because he knows what we need when. God you are higher than any other, I know you can provide for anything and everything.

Prayer is so powerful.

What does God value?

God is practical but so generous. He made different grass in different places. And that's just grass.
God values things that we don't even think to value. We can always learn more about God. Let's look at the world with a different pair of glasses.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

When I leave, what kind of fruit an I leaving behind when I die?

GUESS WHAT?!?!!? I've got some good news.
I'm going to AFRICA for outreach.
I'm extremely excited. It's going to be amazing. So excited to see what God will do in all of us.
I honestly never thought I would be going to Africa. But you know I guess Go likes to surprise us. Yay!
Before even coming to the dts I asked God where he will take me in the future or for dts and he told me “AFRICA, AFRICA, AFRICA” So I put it on the paper even though it wasn't on the list. And apparently my friends from home were praying for me and they got Africa too. The leaders were praying really hard as well. So it'll be amazing i'm really excited! It's what I feel God wants and he even answered my prayer about me not really knowing people on my team/small group. I'm still praying about visas though because its a big fiasco. Even if some staff don't get visas than they will have to get out of Germany for 90 days

This week we have to hammertime with getting everyone to Zittau to get fingerprinted. And after praying about it a lot. After staff talking to the visa people they told them it could take 2-3 weeks instead of 6 weeks. Which is a blessing. Myriam has done an amazing time talking to the visa people. God always comes through!

~There's no limit of what God can do in my life
~Hold on tightly to what I have, my hands are so tight that I can't receive anymore. Do I want that? We are in a world that we are surrounded around around many gaps.
~30,000 kids die a day because of poverty like diseases.
~2 billion people don't have clean water
~2 billion children will die before the age 5 years
~are we aware of all these gaps?
Are we doing anything about it?
~keep promises to the people we come in contact with when we go on outreach.

My heart hurts for all the poverty in the world. I feel God has put it on my heart to do either orphanages overseas or human trafficking. I really just want to meet my future chil when we go to Africa.


Wake up, see the world around you. And do something. If you don't see it then you won't do anything about it. So wake up, wake up, wake up. Open your eyes!
Don't just push these poverties away because one person can change the world. It's crazy to think that during the refugee camp we only did for a few days but half the world is like that living on less than $1 a day.
Why is the world like that? Why does horrible things happen to righteaous people?

Sometimes we have to go through trials God wants a relationship, he gives us a choice to be with. If “love” is forced than it wouldn't be love, it would be abuse.
God could quite easily force us to love Him. But He gave us a choice. So we aren't like robots. God will respect the choices we make.
The choices I make today will determine who i'll be in eternity

Love must be chosen and take risks.
God would rather want 10% of people to follow Him than 100% to love Him but have it be like robots.
Sin seperates us from God. God can grab us by the hand and hold us tight to just love us. Its not forced we just have the choice if we want Him to do that.
God kingdom strikes back. God has a Mission. We aren't a Mission, God wants us to be apart of His Mission. This world isn't designed to waste time, let's get out there.

Every individual has a different story. But it all matters to God and especially to that one person. It doesn't matter what your past life has been it all happened for a reason. And God still loves everyone the exact same.

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