Wednesday, October 3, 2012


--> Some of you may think i'm crazy to even consider going on the world race for an entire year. Life isn't about getting a degree in school, getting a car, getting a license, a good paying job, all the other ways the world considers being successful or just what you should have at the age of 20. But that's just it I would much rather do what God has called me to do instead of doing whatever the world thinks I should do. God has called me to do world race and i'm excited for this incredible journey that has already begun.
God doesn't call everyone to go into the world to spread His love to all nations
To bring hope to the hopeless
To bring love to the unwanted
Trusting him everyday for safety and health
Some places can be dangerous but knowing that God is on my side
Sacrificing my own time for others that need help
Having a willing heart to help the needy or the hurt.
Being emotionally, spiritually, physically drained on a daily basis
Praying for the sick

I'm excited to not sleep in my comfortable bed for a year
I'm excited to not have a variety of the american food for a year
I'm excited to grow spiritually in this year
I'm excited to travel in this coming year
I'm excited to meet people around the world in this year
I'm excited to share God's love and love on people for the year
I'm excited to not have a cellphone for a year
I'm excited to live out of a backpack for a year
I'm excited to sell all my belongings before leaving on World race
I'm excited to see where God takes out team an I for the year

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of you heart Psalm 37:4
If I delight myself in the Lord, his desires become my desires.

But God has called me, Will you help by supporting me?
You can go to and go to “Support me”
Please continue to pray for me as I prepare to leave on this journey in 9 months