Sunday, October 23, 2011

God is greater

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I last sent out an email.
First of all, I can't believe it's October. It's crazy how time flies so fast. I feel like i've been here for way longer than that but at the same time I feel like I just got here like a week ago. Funny how that happens. I absolutely love my ywam family. Everyone is so amazing here. I feel like I will be really close to abunch of people after DTS, sad to say probably not all 100 or whatever it is. I really love the staff too. Everyone here are just so encouraging and want to talk about troubles or praises with eachother. I also really love our spontaneous worship sessions. They are great! After dts, all of us are going to go our seperate ways and I just realized that we aren't going to see everyone everyday. That's going to be weird. But i'm just learning to live for today and not worry about the future. Because the DTS is only only a season of my life and I want to get as much out of it as possible. Even if it's not contacting anyone for weeks at a time. It's not that i'm ignoring you. It's just that I want to focus on my life here. And not keep on going to people at home for help or encouragment. I still love you guys and I still want to stay in contact. I'm just trying to not use the internet as much anymore. Because I really want to get to know the people here and be social. A week or so during intercession prayer there was a giant map laying on the floor in the tent. The person who was leading the prayer time told us to ask God what place we should pray about and to go to that place on the map. It makes me want a big map for my bedroom so I can place to places where i've been, want to go to. Also this week, we had a generousity box laying out during prayer if people felt led to put something in there or if someone felt led to take something out. Or some people just gave something to a certain person. It was amazing to see people listen to God. People gave their nice guitars, macbook pros, macbooks, time, money, etc. During prayer, Kristin the leader of the DTS came up to me and asked if I did the photograph of a flower and I said “yes” and she told me she wanted to buy it from me because she loved it so much. So after I prayed about a price and God just told me to give it to her. And a few days ago. I was waking up to just any ordinary day putting on my red peacoat and I put my hands in my pocket to find that there was an itouch in there. I felt super confused because i've never owned an itouch. At first I thought someone thought it was their itouch and put the itouch in the jacket. But then I started getting really excited because for a really long time i've prayed for an ipod so I could listen to worship music when I run or do anything. It was just amazing to be reminded that God really provides for needs all the time. But you can't expect it to come at that moment sometimes you have to wait for years or months.

I had my first one on five instead of one on one because we have 5 students and one staff. So from now on we are going to call it circle group. We are funny! It makes me happy. I'm so glad we finally got to do it. It was so great to go to Cory's apartment. It was so home-like and cozy. It was so amazing to have some girl bonding time and just talk about anything.

We also had a critique night where all the different tracks show their stuff. We are having another one this coming week i'm pretty sure. The music track showed their music live in the cafe and basement and dining hall. The dance team did a dance. While they were doing their dance I had a flashback to the very beginning of the school when we had our welcoming dinner night. When we didn't really know anyone but now we are like family.

Recently I've had talks with people about what I want to do after DTS and everytime I say I don't really know and just list 6 different things that I have a desire to do. Every week I feel like I hear about something new. But I know God already knows what I'm doing after DTS
God has put human trafficking on my heart especially after DTS, Kristin(school leader) would really like to start a safe home and she would need people to help work with that. When she told a group of us about that I started to think more and more about it. That's something that I would really want to do. I'm not quite sure if it's God's plan but I still have time and God will tell me when he feels like it's the perfect timing.

You know my mail box is empty a lot of the time. I would really enjoy it if you'd send me something. And I will try to send one back (:

I think that's all for now. I will send out another email if I think of something new.

Thank you so much for all the support!
I love you guys. <3

God bless.

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