Saturday, September 10, 2011

My life in Germany

September 1,2011
On the plane flight we met up with a girl for the plane flight from Philadelphia and then a girl on the plane that we found out she was going to Germany for ywam. The train sitsuation was a crazy mess. We had no idea what to do or anything. So basically we had to take three different trains to get to Lobao, but before the train we thought we had to get out luggage and then check in again and head to Dresden but after sitting there waiting for our luggage it wasn't coming we just saw the same luggage over and over again. Then after that we had to go get our boarding pass cause we only had a boarding pass to Frankfurt. We also had to go through security which had a super long line and took forever. After all that we just wanted to be on the plane cause we were already late but once we got to security in the front they wanted to check all our bags, and my tripod. We missed our flight, and had to get a new one. But then we ended up being with another girl on her flight, so it was totally God. We met up with Renee at the flight before leaving. And then once we got into Dresden Antonette was there getting her luggage at the baggage claim.

September 2
So basically today was pretty chill, I slept in until like 1:30 pm. Just hung out at the apartment and then went to Penny(a local store) not everything is a penny wish it was though. Alot of other people came in today which is exciting. Met abunch of new people. Iwalked to some of the stores close by with some girls. Since we live in the apartments which is super close to the stores and bakery. And I officially feel grownup since I have an apartment in Germany. doing mission work and photography. Life couldn't be better. I really want to go to church sometime to see how it is, it would be interesting. People have told me that there's this weekend train ticket for 5 people that would be 25 euros which wold be awesome to travel sine i'm already in Europe ya know! And going to Italy for 60 euros would be cool but I don't think that'll happen. I would really like to go to Poland and Czech republic since it's only 10 minutes away we could walk there. Crazy!

September 4
The dts saff planned a refugee camp for us to experience how most of the world lives. we stayed out the first night just with a plastic tarp on us. and then woke up really early for a busy day. We just went on a major walk around town and everywhere basically to show us how hard it is to just drop everything and just go. And also they gated off the whole area so we couldn't get out. We didn;t have showers or internet. But during the second night it started raining and lightening came. So they woke us up at 4 am and told us to bring all of out belongings and go in the castle because it wasn't save to be outside. So we had to stay in the castle for the night on the ground. The refugee camp had to end because of the weather. But it was really a great way to start the dts. What we did was nothing close to how it is in real life.

I live in the apartments so its like a mile walk to the castle I really like the apartments but we don't have internet there which is a bummer but its okay we are trying to get that figured out. I have kitchen duty every sunday yay with abunch of my friends which is exciting. I don;t have work duty during the week so I can work on photography stuff.

One of the things I miss is having ice in my drinks.

September 8th
so today I woke up at like 7 am to get ready for the day and then walk through town and then down the hill called slowdeathand it was raining so it was really cold. but I better get used to is since i'll be walking down and up when it snows. But I didn't have breakfast this morning. The first lecture by Mike Oman did all the the lectures from this week. He is so awesome!
Today we talked about what our dream was... My dream is to go around the world and do photography to show how beautiful people are or help with an orphanage or even start one. And i would also like to help people who are sick around the world. I would really like to work with St. Jude chilcrems hospitaal. I really want to adopt kids from different countries when I'm older from Haiti, Honduras, Africa, Asia etc..somewhere.

I feel like i've been gone for way longer than a week. So crazy to think about that i'm here 7 months!

That's all for now.

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