Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why is it already October..?

I really feel like God as put it on my heart to do something that
involves human trafficking, sex trafficking or child trafficking. It
is a huge deal throughout the whole world. It's definitely something
that God doesn't want to see happen. We as christians have the
responsibility to do something about it. Obviously not everyone is
called to do something like that. But for the people who are called
need to obey God. All I want for my life is do whatever plan God has
for my life. That's all we can do is obey Him. Even if it's going on
outreach to somewhere you don't want to go, it may be a struggle. But
he knows your heart and somewhere down the road he will lead you to
place you want to go to but it will be at the perfect time in your
life and in my life as well. I feel like God has put it on my heart to
go to Africa but that doesn't mean right now, this year. It could be
years from now when I am able to adopt kids. The Lord has put that on
my heart too. We may also go on a detour you might say, God may lead
you to abunch of different places where you don't want to be and then
he will lead you to the exact area where you've always to go. But in
that time you will grow closer to him and trust him more and more with
your life. The week Dan Bowman spoke totally made me realize that I
don't have to go to Africa this year with this dts, it could be years
from now that I actually go.

That goes for me too (:

Break my heart for what breaks yours, Lord.

One person can change the world with God's help, what could we do with
100+ students getting involved with human trafficking.

I'm really nervous and excited about tomorrow, we should find out
about outreach and our teams. But please pray about visas. They
changes the process for it the day the dts started and now it's really
complicated and a really long process. Basically all the non-germans
need to get finger printed in Zittau(I think) and after that is a 6
week process. Only 4 students have gotten their finger printed. So we
need 70 or so students. So please pray.

Prayer is so powerful, i've learned that too.

Send to: JMEM / DTS
Untere Dorfstr. 56
02747 Ruppersdorf

Sunday, October 23, 2011

God is greater

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I last sent out an email.
First of all, I can't believe it's October. It's crazy how time flies so fast. I feel like i've been here for way longer than that but at the same time I feel like I just got here like a week ago. Funny how that happens. I absolutely love my ywam family. Everyone is so amazing here. I feel like I will be really close to abunch of people after DTS, sad to say probably not all 100 or whatever it is. I really love the staff too. Everyone here are just so encouraging and want to talk about troubles or praises with eachother. I also really love our spontaneous worship sessions. They are great! After dts, all of us are going to go our seperate ways and I just realized that we aren't going to see everyone everyday. That's going to be weird. But i'm just learning to live for today and not worry about the future. Because the DTS is only only a season of my life and I want to get as much out of it as possible. Even if it's not contacting anyone for weeks at a time. It's not that i'm ignoring you. It's just that I want to focus on my life here. And not keep on going to people at home for help or encouragment. I still love you guys and I still want to stay in contact. I'm just trying to not use the internet as much anymore. Because I really want to get to know the people here and be social. A week or so during intercession prayer there was a giant map laying on the floor in the tent. The person who was leading the prayer time told us to ask God what place we should pray about and to go to that place on the map. It makes me want a big map for my bedroom so I can place to places where i've been, want to go to. Also this week, we had a generousity box laying out during prayer if people felt led to put something in there or if someone felt led to take something out. Or some people just gave something to a certain person. It was amazing to see people listen to God. People gave their nice guitars, macbook pros, macbooks, time, money, etc. During prayer, Kristin the leader of the DTS came up to me and asked if I did the photograph of a flower and I said “yes” and she told me she wanted to buy it from me because she loved it so much. So after I prayed about a price and God just told me to give it to her. And a few days ago. I was waking up to just any ordinary day putting on my red peacoat and I put my hands in my pocket to find that there was an itouch in there. I felt super confused because i've never owned an itouch. At first I thought someone thought it was their itouch and put the itouch in the jacket. But then I started getting really excited because for a really long time i've prayed for an ipod so I could listen to worship music when I run or do anything. It was just amazing to be reminded that God really provides for needs all the time. But you can't expect it to come at that moment sometimes you have to wait for years or months.

I had my first one on five instead of one on one because we have 5 students and one staff. So from now on we are going to call it circle group. We are funny! It makes me happy. I'm so glad we finally got to do it. It was so great to go to Cory's apartment. It was so home-like and cozy. It was so amazing to have some girl bonding time and just talk about anything.

We also had a critique night where all the different tracks show their stuff. We are having another one this coming week i'm pretty sure. The music track showed their music live in the cafe and basement and dining hall. The dance team did a dance. While they were doing their dance I had a flashback to the very beginning of the school when we had our welcoming dinner night. When we didn't really know anyone but now we are like family.

Recently I've had talks with people about what I want to do after DTS and everytime I say I don't really know and just list 6 different things that I have a desire to do. Every week I feel like I hear about something new. But I know God already knows what I'm doing after DTS
God has put human trafficking on my heart especially after DTS, Kristin(school leader) would really like to start a safe home and she would need people to help work with that. When she told a group of us about that I started to think more and more about it. That's something that I would really want to do. I'm not quite sure if it's God's plan but I still have time and God will tell me when he feels like it's the perfect timing.

You know my mail box is empty a lot of the time. I would really enjoy it if you'd send me something. And I will try to send one back (:

I think that's all for now. I will send out another email if I think of something new.

Thank you so much for all the support!
I love you guys. <3

God bless.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Time flies

  God can do everything, there's nothing he can't do. Sell the old way of living and buy a new treasure. Christianity is simple. You have to be a child to enter the kingdom of God. Break my heart for what breaks yours. People rise up. Break past of the past and look forward to what God has planned for the future. God made a way for us. Love is to do anything and everything for a different person. The apple of your eye.
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:15
Eternity is based on how we live our life right now.
So live everyday for Christ.
  1. Repentance is joyful
  2. James 5:16
    Dark is destroyed when light shines. Same with the world bring light to this dark world.The enemy tries to tell us I am the only one dealing with different hard stuff. But there's other people dealing with the same things. But God can help us with whatever is on our mind.
  1. repentance is shining darkness. We weren't ment to deal with hard issues.
  2. Numbers 25
    Sin is killing the world. But if there wasn't sin. Then we weren't have a choice.
    The beauties of marriage are only allowed in the boundaries of Lordship.
God is wisdom, ask him what we should do about going to the doctors. God doesn't need perfection even is we move alittle bit he can still move us in the right direction. With just alittle ounce of unbelief can steer us in the wrong direction. He can't use us if we are like a parked car, because we won't move anywhere.
We just gotta keep moving, it doesn't matter if we fail. Take risks. If we learn to fail, maybe we will find success in whatever we do.
We can't be afraid to take risks know and love the word of God. We are so afraid to represesnt God.
2 Corinthians 10
By being in the presence of God, he can change lives.
The gospel is simple, the kingdom of God is simple.
God, what pleases you?
People who are joyful and have a heart for Him.
Amos 5:21-24
The more we practice listening to God, the easier it will be. Learning to listen to God.
What game do you want to play with me, God?
A maze because as long as I follow him he will bring us in the right direction.

What does God think of me?
Having a caring/loving heart toward people around me. Touching people by blessing them with different things to help them out. Working hard and not giving up before going to Germany.

Ephesians 4:15
God said I need to adopt two kids when i'm older. He gave me a picture of the kids an said whenever I go to Africa i'll meet my future daughter and son. Or start an orphanage. Or a safe place for kids to come and stay.
Colossians 3:23-24
Saw a picture of God and I holding hands in a secret garden. Talking together. Enjoying eachothers company. Dancing together.

Some things i've learned...
I need to listen so I can know what he is telling me.
God provides for every need in the craziest ways. It blows my mind.
Be light in this dark world
romance God
We all need to be accountable to someone.
God what hurts you? What hinders me from listening to you? What hinders the church from listening to you?

  1. fighting, violence, People of God need to rise up and not just sit around and act like they aren't christians.
  2. Distractions from school while I was home. Friends who aren't good influences toward me and I just need to keep my distance.
  3. Satan trying to say otherwise than what the church is teaching. Lack of concentration.
Sometimes we don't see how much it hurts God's heart when we sin.
God's love doesn't change, the relationship changed when you're not a christian. We can get to know God more with our pain.
Galatians 5:16
We are so fast to judge people, God looks at the heart.
You gotta believe what God has for my life.
Walk and talk with Jesus, he just wants to spend time with every individual. Don't have any other idols but God. Relationships can be a distraction for christianity. A relationship with God is the most important.
Only summit the mind to the Holy spirit
The world looks on the outside, but God looks at the hear. People are competative with looks and relationships. Why should that be something that is on the top of our lists. Because God made us the way we are and we shouldn't wish we were more pretty because that's like slapping God in the face.
Everyone's beautiful
Isaiah 41:9-10
I can always go to and go back to Jesus. Nothing can change that. Gos will always have his arms open wide for me. We can't let the enemy get to us. Because he will try to destroy us from what we are doing here with ywam the enemy to break it and try to stop us from doing what God wants. So we need to stay strong. The ywam family needs to stay together and encourage eachother.
Follow God and the righteous will be given. God calls us to please Him, not people.
~fear of fellowship
~affraid of being replaced
~judgemental thoughts
~forgetting God
I am the apple of my father's eyes.
Don't be afraid to go on, take the struggles to the cross
God has a loving kindness that we don't even understand.This week, Donna Jordan came to speak at our school. And she was amazing. She just spoke the truth. Told us how it should be straight up. It's so amazing to see God work in people's lives. One of the days Donna told us to bring all of the things that are distracting us from getting more closer to God or just holding us back to lecture because we were going to bring them to the cross to burn.
Everyone cried during this time. The last thing we did was crowd surfing or flying like an eagle where whoever wanted to is to climb the ladder and climb onto a tall cabinet and fall backwards (totally having to trust the people that they will catch you) and then they would pass us down the line. It was really fun! I now know how it is to fly like a bird (kinda). I was so freaked out at first. Because I'm scared of heights but I concured my fear. Yay! Because Tiana and Caleb made me do it. But I think if I didn't I would have regretted it. So i'm glad I did it.
To trust in God with everything I don't need to worry about money because God is going to provide for all my needs. It's been happening quite a bit over here. God showing that he cares and provides. We need to romance God, relationships with boys can wait until the right one comes along. I just need to focus my eyes on Him. When I feel all alone, i'm really not because God is there. People of God take a brother or sister's hand and change the world.

"We are the world
we are the children
we are the ones who
make a brighter day
so let's start giving
there's a choice we're making
we're saving our own lives."
There's no language barrier when talking to God.
When it's God's will, it's his bill.
When God has a plan, he will provide
Money struggles can allow people to know God more.
Don't let money get in the way of dreams

Prayer is so powerful

I've learned that i'm me, and I don't need to be so insecure with myself. I need to be myself, I don't need to be like everyone else. I can stand out in the world. God made me for who he wants me to be so I don't need to worry what people think. 

Send me letters/care packages. I'd love you forever. <3