Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Faith Walk

For the faith walk I was with Caitlin, Ashley and Erwin and before leaving we prayed to see where God was leading us to go. But we didn't really get an answer so we just started heading in one direction so we left and started walking with a backpacking backpack on my back. We really didn't have a clue where to go, but when we were walking on the side of the road a lady stopped and gave us a ride right before that we prayed that someone would pick us up, she saw another group of YWAMers but couldn't take them cause they had too many people in their group. After arriving we continued to walk in this little town picking up garbage, going to see unique churches, asking people if they needed any help with anything. We stopped at this one church that had a cemetary around it. The door was locked so we were bummed we really wanted to see the inside of it. We started to pray for awhile befroe leaving the church to see where we should go. While we were praying we heard some people talking so we went to go say "hi" and see if we could help with anything. And at first the lady said "no" but then Erwin started talking more to her so we ended up being able to go in the church. And we got to help her weed her garden and pick apples. Ashley is pro. Simona said that we could stay the night at her house and they had a youth group thing going on that night so we got to hangout with people eat some good food, sang songs in German, played ping pong. Simona put out tea and soda where we were going to sleep. I felt like I was at a hotel. The next morning we left pretty early after breakfast to head out to somewhere else. So we ended up finding out about this bible study going on and we all thought it was a youth group type thing but it ended up being a old folks bible study. So we prayed about going and we said that if nothing else comes up then we will go. So we went and within like 5 minutes of being there 3 people asked Erwin is we had a place to stay. This cute old lady told Erwin "I wasn't going to come at first but I felt like God was telling me that you guys were going to be there." So the lady called her daughter to ask if we could stay with them. And we could. So we arrived at the house later that night. They made a huge dinner for us after we played worship songs in German/English. The next day we worked on a car shed and fence they needed them stained. So we helped them with that. They fed us so much food. I feel like I gained 30 lbs. But all the food was super delicious. We hungout with the little girls. After staying there one night they said we could stay another night. The day we left they took us back to the base so we didn't have to walk all the way back. they also gave us abunch of food for the castle. Which was a blessing. I feel like this whole experience they blessed us way more than what we did for them. But they kept saying how it was a blessing for us to be there in their home.
Caitlin drew a picture for the family to say thank you. An we put a verse on it and not even knowing it. It was the lady's life verse and she started crying while reading it. They also gave us goody bags. They are such a sweet family.
My group wants to go see them again. And stay in contact. The family wants us to gcome visit after outreach phase to show pictures and tell them all about it.

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