Monday, August 20, 2012

Everything has beauty

Maria, age 4

On this beautiful Sunday morning, I felt very convicted. That I need to focus on God more on a daily basis. Think of him constantly throughout the day. I can't wait for tomorrow to ask him what I should do, where I should go, who I should talk to. I just need to ask. Simple as that. Because tomorrow might never come. Sure some days may be tough but I need to remember to glorify God in every situation through the good and the bad. He deserves it.
"Blessed to be a blessing in all nations"
I began to ask God during the last song of worship today, how can I bless/help someone today?
God put it on my heart to sponsor a girl from Mozambique with world vision. I felt so blessed when I donate the $30 to the first month. That this little girl could change my life and continue to remind me what my reason is for living on earth. What's my purpose? Just looking at her picture and the other kids on the website. They show me in their precious faces that even when they have absolutely nothing they are always still joyful and at such a young age they love God with all of their heart. I definitely am praying for this little girl daily and I hope to meet her one day. My whole life i've had it on my heart to adopt several kids from around the world, wherever it is.
As I was praying, crying out to God, walking tonight for direction on my life.
He told me to wait to travel now. "Laura, you need to just rest in my presence and minister to the people I have in your life for a specific reason here in your hometown. Take up the ministry opportunities I have placed in your lap here in the US. I have the perfect timing for the world race, adoption, starting a ministry organization in Africa"
I trust God that he has the perfect timing for everything.

Take delight in the Lord,  and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4


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