Monday, September 24, 2012

Ordinary day

This morning I felt super down and stressed out about quite a few things just happening in my life, trying to balance responsibility and hanging out with friends, to figure out whether to take classes next semester or not at CRC, not to mention working on tons of World Race documents and fundraising ideas nailing down a few soon and starting a new job recently.
But it was just any ordinary day attempting to get my butt out of bed after sleeping 4 hours and trying my very hardest to have the motivation to be productive on a day that I just wanted to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing but sleep.
But I definitely knew I had so much to do today, my list keeps growing as the days go by. I started my productive day with going to the bank at the outside ATM machine but my card wasn't working, so I was dreading going inside because there's always this one guy who asks me "Are you married?" Yeah super awkward. Every single time I go into the bank I try to avoid going in there as much as possible, but this time I really needed to get money out of my bank so I could go shopping for work clothes. I just prepared myself before going in and think of what I would say to him if he asked again. Sure enough he was right at the entrance welcoming me inside. I really don't know why he always remembers me it's super awkward but the most awkward thing about it is that he knows my dad really well. But this time he didn't help me, this one other guy helped me this time. We just started a conversation, he asked me what I was doing for school and work. I began to explain that I wasn't in school right now but maybe I will take a few classes next semester before going on the World Race. When I said that he was really interested in knowing more about that. After me explaining what it was exactly, he got really excited for me and said that he'd like to support anyway he could for me to go on this trip. I felt like crying with so much joy in my heart but I held it back until I got outside. I just came to the realization that God will provide in crazy ways for this 11 month trip, even through complete strangers at a bank. When things like this happens I just feel like it's another confirmation that i'm supposed to do this and i'm called to do it for His kingdom. It's amazing to me to see how multiple strangers want to help support me in anyway they can.

God is bigger than funds, and He will work in crazy ways.

Days like this remind me how great God is, no matter how we are doing or all the craziness happening that God is a big God, he has it all under control.

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