Friday, August 10, 2012


I have been praying about what my next step in life is, and for the longest time I really thought it was getting a full-time job and going to school to experience the "college" life. But after praying about it for months I came to the realization that wasn't for me it didn't feel right for myself. So I began to get really anxious to see what my next step shall be after YWAM.
So ever since I've been home I've had a passion to fight against Sex-trafficking. I needed a few months before doing that because I knew it would be hard. But just recently I went to a Courage to be you meeting to get more info on opportunities and volunteer work. I'm really excited to be involved with this. Jenny Williamson has such a big heart for others, and these girls that she has taken in to the safe house. The Lord is doing great things through that! Whatever I do, if it's event planning, doing some sort of photography, book keeping, office work, or eventually after training in November actually interacting with the girls and building relationships with them.

Recently I found out about another opportunity in my life is The World Race where you go to 11 countries in 11 months doing different ministry opportunities depending where you go whether it's working with orphans in Kenya, working with victims of sex trafficking in Thailand,  etc. There's all sorts of ministry opportunities. The thing that I absolutely love about The world race after hearing about it and researching. It's not the kind of missions that has everything already planned for ministry it's pretty flexible like whatever the team feels like doing and is called to do. Then we have the freedom to do that. I feel like it's something that God has put on my heart ever since I heard about it and I can't get it out my head at all. So i'm praying about doing the World race in July, the route is: Ireland, Romania, Ukraine, India, Nepal, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Thailand, Cambodia, and Taiwan. It would be an amazing adventure!

But for right now, I will be here in California building strong and lasting relationships with friends and people I get in contact with, Continue to grow closer to God in this time, doing local ministry because if I can't do that then how could I go out into the world so I need to start here and branch out, volunteering at Courage House. I will be working either part-time or full-time wherever God leads. I'm also praying about doing a faith walk throughout the United States sometime in the near future with some people from my school.

Thanks for reading!
This post is probably all over the place so I apologize for that.

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